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In the competitive world of the Los Angeles music scene, pianist and composer Geoff Aymar has successfully carved a niche for himself for over twenty five years. As a pianist he has played most of the fine hotels, clubs, and exclusive private events in Los Angeles and his long tenure at a number of venues is a testament to his first-rate musicianship and his loyal following. As a composer he has had his music played on TV, film and radio (including KJazz , the top jazz station in the country).
Originally from Connecticut, Geoff studied jazz guitar privately as a teenager while learning piano on his own. He was accepted to the Berkeley College of Music in Boston as a guitarist, however, his growing love of the piano inspired him to switch instruments and the piano became his main focus. While in Boston he continued to develop his interest in composing and performed locally. The lexicon of music that influenced him included rock and pop music as well as jazz, folk, and classical.
After his stay in Boston, Geoff moved to Los Angeles and landed his first steady gig only four days after his arrival. He began playing five nights a week at an upscale restaurant in Santa Monica allowing him to hone his craft, expand his repetoire and develop as an artist. This led to years of playing up to seven nights a week in various venues. In the 1990's he had a long residency at the Marina Beach Marriott in Marina Del Rey where he instigated a regular jazz policy and worked with many of the top LA jazz musicians.
Through the years Geoff has had other musical and music related endeavors that have inluded being a sideman/accompanist for bands and vocalists, a music supervisor in advertising, sound designer, producer, voice over director, piano consultant (finding pianos for clients), music contractor, and piano teacher.
Geoff has performed internationallly in Taiwan as well as Argentina at the La Plata International Jazz Festival. One of his biggest dreams was fullfilled in 2014 when he performed with the Los Angeles Premiere Orchestra at a Christmas concert at the Alex Theater in Glendale.
eoff has recorded four CDs that can be found online at as well as iTunes. He continues to compose, perform live and seek new musical adventures. Geoff is currently working on a recording of improvised and relaxing piano music for mediation/healing.
He has been performing at the iconic Polo Lounge in the Beverly Hills Hotel for fifteen years.